How to deal with stress?

How to deal with stress?

How to deal with stress?

Stress is a phenomenon we face almost every day. It accompanies us in all aspects of our lives - school, study, work, family, illness. Stress affects our bodies in two ways - in some cases, stress is an essential survival factor and a motivation for action. However, stress can also have a negative impact. How does chronic long-term stress affect the body? How do you deal with stress?

Stress is a trigger for many everyday situations. The pursuit of money, the fast pace of life, heavy responsibilities, illness, and relationship problems are all major stress triggers, but there are several ways to cope with stress, sometimes a type of stress. Destructive factors. This is because it lowers mood, causes irritability and increases vulnerability to depression.

The impact of stressors can also be different. The weakest of these can be described as the problem of daily routine. Although the "firepower" is low, they can have problems because of their similarities (e.g., flat tires, tardiness, conflicts with supervisors).

Many of us have effective ways of dealing with stress, some of us have stress "in our blood" and others have successfully learned about the stress in our lives. Remember that learning does not have to be done alone. Just as we use a driving instructor to learn how to operate a car, we can learn to "operate" our mind, our brain, more effectively with the help of a psychologist. "Equipment" that is more complex than a car.

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